

Viva Labs Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil Review

I had a lot of troubles with my skin, I had oily skin, pimples. Last year, my skin began to get really dry, almost it hurt and my hair was dry and fair.

I tried to change the products, I bought different face creams, foundation for dry face, but my face still kept being very dry, peeled, the foundation looked very bad. I even went to a dermatologist and she gave me all these expensive face creams, and frankly, I wanted something better and affordable.

I talked to one of my friends and she suggested that I should try something more natural, mostly because, despite the creams not working, they were giving me rashes and make my skin itchy.

So I began googling and I discovered Viva Labs Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. Coconut oil is used for a lot of different things, for skincare, for the hair, for cooking. I bought it and I got this container, that was very pretty.

I began using it immediately and not only that it smells amazing, it also it is delicious. I could eat it the whole box, all by myself. After using it, it was clear to me. Why didn’t I use this earlier?
It was very good for my sensitive skin, and most of all, it hydrated my skin! And it wasn’t even that expensive! It lasted me two weeks, mostly because I used it like crazy. I used it on my whole body, hair, face.
So after doing my usual make-up removal routine at night, I heated a little bit the bowl, because when it is cold, it becomes solid, and I applied it on my face and neck.

I began doing this every night. It felt good and after a few days of using it, I got the results, my face felt amazing. My skin began looking more youthful and smooth.
Even my make-up looked better and we all know how important is the condition of the skin for the outcome of the make-up. And I began using it on my hair, and it gave it theshine and hydration I needed.

I think Viva Labs Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is a fantastic product, the quality is great and I truly recommend it.

Check for the latest price here:
